Monday, December 24, 2007
A Little Levity
The site has a few videos you should check out. "The Home School Family" music video is pretty good, and the guy's stand-up is funny and clean.
Sunday, December 23, 2007
Ron Paul
Partly because despite his devotees' insistence to the contrary, he would be crushed in November 2008.
Mainly, however, because we don't need one Ron Paul in the White House. What we need is about 218 of them in the House of Representatives. Fifty-one in the Senate would be nice, too. We need serious, dedicated Constitutionalists in Congress. Right now, we have a handful. If we accept that a candidate could not get the endorsement of the Liberty Caucus without being mostly right on the Constitution, we have about 20 members of the House of Representatives who fit the bill.
The Ron Paulites remind me quite a bit of the Constitution Party folks. They want the White House, but they would be better off working toward electing candidates to lower offices. That would lay the groundwork for a President down the road.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
on electability, see my blog posts where i analyze voter trends back into the 80s, and conclude that Huckabee would get 50.4% of the vote, in a pure head-to-head race against an undetermined Democrat.
Let me be clear, I'm not conceding the prevailing opinion that Huckabee is less electable than, say Giuliani. In fact, Rasmussen's latest Head-to-heads show Huckabee doing better against Clinton than anyone other than McCain.
Of course, National polls are meaningless. Not just now, but always in Presidential Politics. Thanks to the Electoral College system, the Presidential election is really a series of 50 State races rather than a national race. It's nice to garner the Majority (or even a plurality as Bill Clinton demonstrated), but it's not necessary, as George W. Bush proved in 2000.
However, perhaps even more telling for Huckabee, his Favorable rating is higher than all the Republican candidates other than McCain, and his negatives are the lowest of the main Republican contenders. Duncan Hunter is lower in unfavorables, but I'm certain that's because nobody knows who he is. Given his low recognition, his Unfavorable rating is actually pretty high.
If Huckabee can win the Republican Nomination, his chance of winning in November 2008 is as good as any other Republican's, and better than some.
Vote For, Not Against
I feared that 2008 would be a mirror image. Only this time, it would be Republicans trying to GOTV with appeals to the scariness of Hillary Clinton (and make no mistake about it, she is plenty scary). This strategy is a loser. It's also why I never jumped on the electability bandwagon. In the Republican race so far, "electability" has most often been defined as "somebody who can beat Hillary." Yes, several people would be inspired to come out to vote against Hillary, but firming up that support is much easier if the Republican is someone the people want to vote for.
Mike Huckabee is the kind of candidate that many people will want to vote for, even if they don't agree with him on every issue. I've only voted "against" somebody once in my life. That was in 1996. I wasn't particularly thrilled with Bob Dole, but I knew he was preferable to Bill Clinton.
I'm excited to have a candidate I can vote for in 2008.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
No Stranger to Dark Horses
My "late to the party" support of Mike Huckabee for President in 2008 isn't the first time I've latched onto a so-called Dark Horse Candidate. In 1996, I made my first ever political contribution to Alan Keyes. I even drove from Waco to Denton to hear him speak in person. Maybe it was that Quixotic support that cause me to hold back so long on Huckabee. I didn't want to pick a candidate with absolutely no shot at getting the nomination. Now, as I examine the polls, I think there's good reason to think that this race has become Huckabee's to lose.
First, the attacks aren't sticking. Reagan was called the Teflon President. Huckabee may very well be 2008's Teflon Candidate.
Second, Fred Thompson has to drop out sooner or later. I'd prefer it be before South Carolina, but even if he waits until after South Carolina, as long as he exits before February 5th, this can only help Huckabee. There's no way to know for sure, but once Thompson drops out, the most logical place for his supporters to go is to Huckabee. Except, if McCain is still in the race, Thompson might endorse McCain.
Third, except for Thompson, there's really no other viable choice for Christian Republicans. I'm not knocking my friends who have chosen for various reasons to support Giuliani, but I just don't buy the "Rudy is the only one who can beat Hillary" argument. Duncan Hunter may be a fine man and would likely be a good President, but barring some sort of miracle, he's dead. Maybe he'll realize it after Iowa and New Hampshire.
Friday, December 07, 2007
Happy Birthday
Happy Birthday to my Uncle Don. He turns 66 today.
In case you don't catch the significance of that, he was born on Pearl Harbor day.
Huck the System
Religious Tests
After Mitt Romney gave his "Mormon Speech" yesterday (which wasn't really a "Mormon Speech" at all), some pundits criticized him for giving credence to those who would let religion affect their voting decisions. First, Romney was being far more realistic about the issue than his critics. Second, his critics are wrong. Third, many of his critics are hypocrits.
Romney is more realistic because a large percentage of Republican Primary voters do care about religion, and among those, a large percentage have serious concerns about voting for a Mormon. His critics are wrong because of the reasons I mentioned in the first paragraph. A personal Religious Test is neither unconstitutional, nor unreasonable. The hypocrisy of the critics can be found in the fact that many of them believe that a candidate who accepts the Bible as authoritative and believes that his faith should guide his actions should be disqualified from being President. In short, they apply a sort of anti-Religious Test.
I am not writing this to defend Romney. I have decided to support Mike Huckabee.
I think something he said in the speech was very significant.
Some believe that such a confession of my faith will sink my candidacy. If they are right, so be it. But I think they underestimate the American people. Americans do not respect believers of convenience.
Americans tire of those who would jettison their beliefs, even to gain the world.
Romney jettisoned his supposed pro-life beliefs in order to become Governor of Massachusetts. Now, he has jettisoned his supposed pro-choice beliefs in an effort to secure the Republican nomination. Republicans should reject him because of this, not because he is a Mormon.
Tuesday, December 04, 2007
A New Beginning
I need to get rid of the excess baggage.
Here's the new "BEFORE" pic:

Saturday, November 10, 2007
Reason #7143 why I love Apple
I am oh, so very happy.
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Until I get my computer back, any link I post here will not be properly formatted. It's rather frustrating.
Computer Woes
More bad news. I didn't purchase the extended Apple Care Plan when I bought the computer in 2005, so the warranty expired over a year ago.
But then, there's good news.
It turns out that the logic board/power supply problem was a known issue with my model, so even though I'm not under Warranty, Apple is still going to replace the parts at no charge. Otherwise, it would have cost me about $800.
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Monday, October 15, 2007
Pics from Brighton Beach
I have posted a couple of pictures of the set from my latest show Brighton Beach Memoirs over at my theatre blog.
Wednesday, October 10, 2007
Computer Issues
For those who haven't seen
Monday, October 08, 2007
Weight Update
I have somehow managed to drop 8.5 pounds in the past 6 weeks or so. I haven't been doing anything out of the ordinary. In fact, I think I've probably eaten worse than usual.
Whatever the cause, I'll take it.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Sunday, September 30, 2007
Come to the Beach
Tickets are $12 ($10 for Senior Citizens).
If you come, I'll go have a drink with you after the show. Terrell has a really great place to get a Margarita! If you're under 21, you can always come along and get a Dr Pepper. ;)
The show is rated PG-13 for language and some adult discussions.
Please come. I think you'll like it.
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
My Car is Mine
Friday, August 24, 2007
Thursday, August 23, 2007
The Early Bird Gets the Worm
I awoke at 3:20 a.m. this morning and couldn't get back to sleep, so I went ahead and got out of bed at 4:00, got ready, and came on in to work. I got to the office at 6:15. Still dark.
I figure that I'll be "crashing" by 10:00 this morning, but for right now, I seem to be doing okay.
It is, however, already time for a 20 oz. Diet Dr Pepper.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Here I Am Again, Fellas
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
If I were a Simpson
So, without further ado . . .

Okay, so that was a little more ado.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
Toddler Logic
Friday, August 10, 2007
Worst Blogger Ever
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
My Wife
Monday, July 16, 2007
mea culpa
Let Them Eat Cake
He doesn't ship cakes, but if you have an event in the D/FW area, he is well worth the money. The cakes not only look good, but they taste delicious as well.
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Thoughts on the Federal Vision flap
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
Bowling for Dollars
For Big Brothers/Big Sisters. If you would like to donate, you can click the link below and sponsor my pathetic attempts to knock down pins with a 16 pound ball (or maybe a 14 pound ball).
Sponsorship Page
UPDATE: I edited the sponsorship link, and hopefully it will work this time.
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
July 4th
If you are in the vicinity of Terrell tomorrow, please come to the park for the July 4th celebration. I will be doing some narration along with the North East Texas Symphony Orchestra, and I will be leading the crowd in a sing-along during one of the numbers. The orchestra is scheduled to start at 8:00 p.m. Let's hope the rain clears out and allows us to perform.
Fireworks are at about 9:15 p.m., weather permitting.
Back on the Weight Loss Wagon
I decided that I have to make another stab at shedding my excess baggage. Long time readers will know that I lost 50 pounds a couple of years ago. Sadly, I've managed to put 28 of those back. So, I started last Monday, June 25th with a plan to slim down. I have started bringing a gallon of water with me to work each day, and I drink all of it before I go home. I have also committed to cutting way down on the snacking during the day. One of my weaknesses has been the candy jar on the desk of a co-worker. I found myself grabbing a handful of M&Ms entirely too often. Like I did in 2004-05, I am still going to eat what I want. Just less of it.
I am not going to post weekly reports (unless I change my mind), but I will try to keep y'all updated as things progress. Since last Monday, I have lost 3 pounds. It probably would have been more, but I ate a lot when my wife and I went out for our 9th Anniversary last week.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Church Things
It makes the 25-30 minute drive worth it.
Tuesday, June 26, 2007
Testing Blogging via e-mail
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Rough times ahead
It's not that Jody is unduly grouchy when she's sick. Quite the contrary. She does her best to keep going like she's fine. I'm certainly hoping that this is nothing more than a couple of days' worth of sore throat and headaches.
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
American Idol
Friday, April 13, 2007
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
The Outdoorswoman
When I got home, Hannah appeared to be fine, but in a short time, she was lying on the love seat looking flushed. She complained of a headache. I took her temperature, which read 101.5°.
Right now, Jody is on the way to the Emergency Room with Hannah, and I am taking care of daughters 1, 3, & 4.
I'm sure Hannah is going to be just fine, but please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. Remember Jody, too.
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Babel On
The movie overall was pretty good. Not as good as The Departed, The Prestige, or The Illusionist, but a good film. I thought the character of Chieko deserved a movie of her own.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
The Evil Empire Falls
Wednesday, March 14, 2007
Hogwarts & Narnia will wait
Monday, March 12, 2007
Daylight Saving Time
Guess which was the only clock I forgot to "spring forward" Saturday night?
Sunday, March 04, 2007
I Think It's About Time
I also need to re-read The Chronicles of Narnia. It has been a long time since I read them.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Friday, February 23, 2007
Run Away

Local radio station 98.7 KLUV was onsite at the DSm Box Office with show-related games to play. I pinned the limb on the Black Knight and won an Official SPAMalot cap.
My wife and I will be going to see the show. It will be the first time she has gone with me to see a professional production.
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
The Infamous Gatorade Debate
This is a test of the color Lime against a green background. |
This is a test of the color Lime against a yellow background. |
This is a test of the color Lime against a "web lime" background. |
This is a test of the color Lime against a lime green background. |
Monday, February 19, 2007
Comics on the Web
One comic that doesn't appear on the list, but hopefully will soon because I submitted it for consideration, is Casey and Scotty, which is back from hiatus. Make sure you check that one out.
Friday, February 16, 2007
Life Preserver
Everytime I hear this lyric, I know that I make lame excuses for not sharing the Truth with everyone I meet.
You don't ask a drowning man
If he wants to be saved
When you know he's sinking down
Down beneath the crashing waves
Betrayal wears two faces
Both easy to explain
One is what you say and do
To bring another human pain
When you refuse to act
Though you know the good to do
When you refuse to speak what's right
You've worn the face of number two
©1990 EMI Blackwood Music Inc./Andi Beat Goes On Music/Sparrow Song (a div. of The Sparrow Corp.)
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
One of those Days
I-30 was shut down right before the downtown canyon, thus causing delay and diverting me out of the way.
At work, we are unable to locate a file on a case that is set for Announcement today. The defense Attorney is coming up to see me, but he probably won't be willing to work out a deal because I can't show him our evidence.
Friday, February 09, 2007
I'm your Handyman

I just spent the evening putting up curtains and a valance. We had bought other curtains from the JCPenney catalog, but they weren't what we thought they would be. Jody loaded up the girls Wednesday and met me at the JCPenney store at Town East Mall, and we shopped for new curtains. We finally found some that both of us liked, so we bought the curtain panels, but not the valance panels. We wanted to make sure we liked them before spending the rest of the money.
We hung the curtains on the rod I had hung for the previous set, and Jody said she wanted the valances. I went back to JCPenney Thursday to pick them up. Today, I dropped by Lowe's and got a rod for the curtains because we needed to use the one I hung before for the valance After wrangling with the level, the ladder, and the drill, I finally got it all up. We're gonna paint the wall to match the yellow in the curtains. Most folks probably would have painted before hanging curtains, but that would have been too easy.
Thursday, February 08, 2007
The Taxman Cometh
After I get that one paid off, I'm really wanting to replace it. Watch this space for further news on that front.
Monday, February 05, 2007
Marathon Reading Sessions
I believe it is reasonable to assume that Deathly Hallows will be somewhere in the neighborhood of the length of books 4, 5, & 6. So, extrapolating from my experience with those books, I should be able to come up with a fairly accurate guess as to how long it will take me to read the ultimate entry in the Harry Potter series. When I bought Half-Blood Prince right at Midnight when it came out, I took it straight home and read for about an hour before going to sleep. When I woke up Saturday morning, I embarked on an all-day reading session, taking breaks only to eat, help take care of my four daughters, and take care of other necessary functions. I read past midnight, finally finishing at around 1:30 a.m. Clock time from purchase to completion was 25 1/2 hours, but actual reading time was less than twelve.
This time around, my daughters are all older, so I shouldn't have to take as many breaks to help with them. Meals don't have to take a long time, and reading can actually be accomplished during some of the other "necessary business," so there's no reason to believe that I couldn't finish the final book in about nine or ten hours if I could go uninterrupted. HOWEVER, there's a chance I might be in production for a musical with Garland Summer Musicals at the release date. In fact, I may be performing in Opening Night of Thoroughly Modern Millie on the evening of July 20th. If that's the case, I'll be more tired on the 21st, and I'll have to be back at the theatre by 7:00 p.m. for the 8 o'clock curtain. That would mean if I wasn't finished by about 6 p.m., I would have to put the book down for the night's performance. I've never been the type who can read something unrelated to the current show in the middle of a performance.
Also complicating matters is that if I am in that show, I won't be able to pick up my copy as early as I might have otherwise.
So, what does this all mean? I'm not sure, but if forced to guess, I'd say that I will probably get Deathly Hallows finished before I have to leave the house for the theatre. Hey, the forced deadline might even make me read faster.
My prediction is that I will have the book finished no later than 6:00 p.m. on July 21, 2007. Total reading time will be no more than ten hours. It would be fun to be at the performance that night and torture any fellow HP fans by telling them I have already finished and teasing them that I might spoil the ending for them. I'd never actually do that, but it would be funny to see how many people go screaming out of the green room with their fingers in their ears.
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hillary and Oil
Just in case there's anybody else out there who has bought into Hillary's recent "move to the center," check out this blog entry over at
Make sure you watch the clip of Hillary's speech. The clip is only about 30 seconds, but it speaks volumes.
Friday, February 02, 2007
Looking for a Quick Way to Lose Weight?
I could feel my body trying to fight it off for a few days, but Thursday shortly after lunch, I realized that succumbing was inevitable. I came home from work and laid in bed for a while, but eventually I did get sick. I had one other bout about three hours later. After that, I didn't have to make any more urgent trips to the bathroom, but I couldn't sleep well. I had a fever and body aches. I was a little delirious.
I stayed home from work today and got some extra rest and sleep. It appears that this was nothing more than a 24 hour virus because I'm feeling tremendously better tonight.
Monday, January 29, 2007
The Sun'll Come Out Today
I also found some info about a church I may visit soon. It's closer to us now than our previous church was before we moved, so it's worth the consideration if the church is good. I like the folks at the church we currently attend, but I feel like a fish out of water because we're not really Lutherans.
What a weekend

On Friday night, Jody and I sat down to watch The Lake House. Not too long after it started, our older daughter, Erin, started vomiting. We were able to watch the entire movie, but it wound up taking us over three hours to finish it. The movie isn't too bad, either.
Erin was sick and laid on the couch most of the day Saturday. On Sunday, daughter number two, Hannah, was complaining of a sore throat. Jody decided to take her into the Doctor, whose office happens to be open on Sundays. Looks like the poor girl may have strep throat.
Hopefully, Jody and I will avoid coming down with anything that will knock us out of commission.
Friday, January 26, 2007
Who are three people who have never been in my kitchen?
They won't tell how high a score is required to pass the test anymore, but when I tested back in 2002, we were explicitly told the passing score is 35 out of 50. On Wednesday's test, I scored 38. All this really means is that IF they come to Dallas or Houston this year, and IF my name is selected from a random drawing of all the folks who passed the test and selected one of those cities, I can appear in person, take another test, and IF I pass that one, and IF I do a good job in the mock game, and IF they like me enough, I MIGHT get called to be on the show.
So, do me a favor, and don't ask me when I'm gonna be on "Jeopardy!"
Saturday, January 20, 2007
What Exactly is
A couple of days ago, Human Events published a feature article entitled The Next" written by Stephanie Dube, a freelance writer from Dallas and creator of The Write Idea. Dube profiles Rod, giving a brief biographical background and professional pedigree. She goes on to explain the purpose of and mentions some of the others involved. Most of whom you've heard of, even if you have never heard of Rod Martin before:
Launched as an organization last March, already has a top-drawer cast, including Silicon Valley heavy-hitters like Eric Jackson (a former PayPal colleague of Martin’s, where he was head of marketing) and Gil Amelio (former CEO of two Fortune 500 companies, including Apple Computer), among others.
But it is far from an all-California show. Americans for Tax Reform founder Grover Norquist is on its board too, as are Club for Growth founder (and current Wall Street Journal editorial board member) Stephen Moore, famed actress Jane Russell, direct-mail pioneer Walt Longyear, “compassionate conservatism” guru Marvin Olasky, even Reagan Doctrine-architect Jack Wheeler. Martin refuses to confirm or deny rumors that Jerome Corsi—co-author of 2004’s “Unfit for Command,” which irreparably damaged John Kerry’s presidential hopes—has signed on for a similar effort against Hillary.
The diversity of issues represented by this group is not accidental. “The scope and immediacy of the internet makes bringing people together a lot easier,” Martin explains. “The conservative movement is far too fractured. Libertarians attack Christians, pro-gunners snipe at pro-lifers, border security folks question outreach to conservative Hispanics. It’s not what you’d call conducive to victory.
“The left has always been better at coalition building, and MoveOn is the latest means by which they’re better. But the internet is a great leveler: we can do this too. And we must.”
Early indications are that they will. After less than a year of “beta tests” which included efforts to extend the Bush tax cuts and derail a United Nations gun ban conference (it ended in deadlock), the group’s web traffic exceeds that of many of the most noteworthy political groups in America. While still far short of the exalted ranks of MoveOn, DailyKos or WorldNetDaily, web rankings generated by show beating such established organizations as the National Rifle Association, National Right to Life, the Club for Growth, the Minuteman Project and People for the American Way. Martin notes with a combination of surprise and glee that this is before the full site “goes live,” and before the group executes its marketing plan.
Conservatives owe it to themselves to check out My prediction is that before too long, Rod Martin will be one of the most well-known people in America.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
The Rainmaker at KCCT

Here's one picture of the set from KCCT's The Rainmaker. I have posted more and bigger ones over at MY THEATRE BLOG.
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
A Great Movie

I'm almost ashamed to admit this, but I never saw The Godfather until last week. This film instantly made it to my Top 10 favorite movies of all-time. It's not perfect, but it's close. Marlon Brando, Al Pacino, and Robert Duvall give amazing performances. Others were great as well.
If you're like me, and you've just never gotten around to seeing this one, do yourself a favor and catch it as soon as possible.
Monday, January 15, 2007
Get Your Labels Here
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
Snakes on a Plane
Monday, January 08, 2007
Eden & The Ten Commandments
Sunday, January 07, 2007
The Greatest Actress of Our Generation
A Prairie Home Companion
The Devil Wears Prada
Friday, January 05, 2007
Funny Video for Music Fans
It's worth a look.
He has another clip without the guitar here:
6 Minutes at Zanies
Monday, January 01, 2007
The Way the Basketball Bounces
5. Adolph Rupp
4. Bob Knight
3. Mike Krzyzewski
2. Dean Smith
1. John Wooden
As much as I depise the Duke Blue Devils, I have to give Coach K the respect he deserves as a great coach. I also believe that before he retires, he will hold the record that Knight just broke.
Safe Passage
We wound up having to abandon the goal of Salina fairly quickly. My objective kept moving . . . York, NE . . . Kearney, NE . . . and finally, get off the highway intact and get a motel room. We exited at Cozad, NE, and after seeing the "No Vancancy" sign on the door of the Motel 6, I drove down to the Circle S Motel. I could see the chart with the rooms on it as I stood in line and could see that we should be okay. As it turns out, two more folks behind me in line were able to get rooms.
On Sunday, we decided to wait for the sun to come out to give an opportunity for the ice and snow to melt some and give the state a chance to clear the Interstate. We drove off from Cozad at 11:20 am. From Cozad to York, the road was rough, but nothing too terrible, but apparently the night before it had been really bad. In the first 14 miles from the Cozad exit, 14 vehicles had gone off the road the night before. In all before we turned south at York, we saw about 30 cars, SUV's, & 18-wheelers in the ditch or median.
After turning onto US 81, things seemed like they might be fairly good. That is they seemed that way until we hit the Kansas state line. It appeared that very little if anything at all was done by the Kansas Highway Department to clear the highway. I drove on ice & snow almost the entire way to Salina. My neck, shoulders, arms, and hands were all sore from the tension of that trek.
From Salina to home, the roads were finally clear and dry. The total road time over the two days amounted to 22 hours. For such a long and difficult trip, my girls did really well, even when their daddy was growling at them.