Friday, July 27, 2012

The Difference Between Conservatives and Liberals

As I went out for a run this evening, I had an epiphany about one of the major differences between Conservatives and Liberals. Mind you, this is not the only difference, but I do believe it is significant.

Conservatives distrust the Federal Government no matter which political party is in power.  Liberals only distrust the Federal Government when Republicans are in power.


Rational νεόφυτος said...

Liberals not only distrust republicans, but they distrust the ability of man to exist without the oversight of a watchful nanny state as well...

Lose Excess Body Weight Fast and Safely said...

I never thought about it that way but I think you have a good point. The thing that bothers me is it looks to me like the Republicans are becoming more like the Democrats everyday.

MTwain said...

I don't think this is an accurate assessment. The key difference between Conservatives and Liberals:
Cons think that everyone has an equal shot at being successful; so anyone who is looking for a handout is a slacker. Libs believe that some people are born luckier than others and looks to the Government to level the playing field.

Anonymous said...

I don't recall a lot of distrust of Republicans by Republicans under GWB. But I do see a lot of Dems upset by the NSA, threats of chained CPI and other issues under Obama.
I think you see what you want to see.....

The Radical Texan said...

I didn't see the anonymous comment from December until just now.

It should be noted that my post is about Conservatives and Liberals. NOT Republicans and Democrats.

That said, there was quite a bit of complaining by Conservative Republicans about the Bush years.