Saturday, November 26, 2005


On November 11th, someone who was once very important to me died in a car crash. Christy Prather Haney was a former girlfriend of mine. Although I had a handful of "serious" girlfriends over the years, when I look back as objectively as possible, I realize that Christy was the only one other than my wife who could realistically have become Mrs. Calvinator.

When Christy's obituary appeared in my local paper, my wife asked me if I knew her. Jody's attention was caught because of the young age Christy was when she died (she was 32). When Jody asked, I assumed she didn't know that Christy had been a former girlfriend, so I wasn't sure what to tell her. Obviously, I acknowledged that I knew her, but I didn't add any details about how or how well I knew her. Later, something must have triggered Jody's memory because she called me when she was out shopping to say she finally realized who Christy was and to say how sorry she was about the death. It turns out that one of our best friends had told Jody about Christy a long time ago, but I didn't know.

I think it's natural for us to think "What If" at times regarding the choices we have made in our lives, and Christy's death definitely sent me down that mental path. I know that God had different plans for me, and that's why I did the things I did back in 1991 & '92. I thank God everyday that He knows what is best for me and made it come to pass.

With regard to Christy's death, I haven't been able to figure out what my feelings are. It had been years since I had spoken to her, but it is still weird to realize that someone with whom I shared part of my life is gone.


Anonymous said...

Christy was an angel on earth. All those who knew her, loved her. A day doesn't go by that I don't think about that sweet smiling face.

Anonymous said...

I knew Christy when she was your fiance and how she felt about it. I know your lives took different turns but no one ever had a better friend. She would have been good to you. May the angel she is now watch over you & your family.

Anonymous said...

Please pray for Christy's three beautiful children: Ailish 9, Ian 4 and Ainslea 2.

Anonymous said...

i am stunned beyond belief. Christy was an immensely important part of my younger life. I had not spoken to her in years. I am lost with this.