Sunday, July 30, 2006

A Great Feeling

Yesterday, I was out with my three oldest daughters at the Terrell Library end of Summer Reading Carnival. As we were walking, my 5 year old said "You're the greatest dad ever." I don't know what prompted it, but I felt wonderful hearing that.


Thanks to Steph for pointing out my typo.

Friday, July 28, 2006

Getting in Shape Update 74

No commentary this week.

Starting Weight = 267.0

Last Week's Weight = 236.5

Today's Weight = 236.0

Weight Loss in the Past Week= 0.5 pound

= 31.0 pounds

Friday, July 21, 2006

Getting in Shape Update 73

Did better not snacking or eating in the evenings after dinner.

Starting Weight = 267.0

Last Week's Weight = 238.0

Today's Weight = 236.5

Weight Loss in the Past Week= 1.5 pounds

= 30.5 pounds

Friday, July 14, 2006

Getting in Shape Update 72

Didn't eat all that well. Didn't drink very much water. Still not exercising (and won't be able to until Kiss Me, Kate opens.

Starting Weight = 267.0

Last Week's Weight = 238.5

Today's Weight = 238.0

Weight Loss in the Past Week= 0.5 pound

= 29.0 pounds

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Nature Abhors a Vacuum

It seems that I always tend to find ways to fill up my "free time." Last night, I did not have rehearsal, but I had a meeting to go to. Tonight, I don't have rehearsal until 9pm, but I have a meeting before that.

Things should lighten up once Kiss Me, Kate closes, but I know that there will still be lots to claim my time and attention. I'm not the kind of person who always needs to be doing "something," but I'm also not the kind who can sit at home every night.

Monday, July 10, 2006

Casey & Scotty is back up

Moose got back from his trip and got the server issue resolved.

the "missing" July 9th strip

The current strip

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Server Problems in Andbait

Moose is having some problems with his hosting for Casey & Scotty. I certainly hope that it gets worked out in time for the scheduled return tomorrow.

In the meantime, why don't you show your support for him and Casey by voting for the strip. Really, it takes less than a minute to hit all three sites.

Webbed Comics

Top Comics


Friday, July 07, 2006

Getting in Shape Update 71

I had feared the worst after eating way too much brisket and too many hot dogs, not to mention the ice cream.

Starting Weight = 267.0

Last Week's Weight = 238.0

Today's Weight = 238.5

Weight Gain in the Past Week= 0.5 pound

= 28.5 pounds